Well, It turns out CS106A was 80x oversubscribed. They expected a few hundred to a thousand people to apply, and they got over 80,000. Wow!

On the website explaining this, they are suggesting to take Harvard’s CS50 on edX as an alternative for those of us who did not get in.

So I joined, and I have to say that CS50 is a fantastic course. Professor Malan is a rockstar!!

I don’t know what I am missing by not getting into CS106A, but I am thrilled to be in this course. It is the starting point of my journey.

I will learn C, Python, and SQL. Then choose between building a web app, building an app in either Android or iOS, or creating a game.

As part of the class, one has to open a GitHub account. I am now jQSfire125.

I am just discovering this brand new world, full of really cool tools. I even picked an octocat design with my daughter for my GitHub avatar:
