I am trying to learn Python, so I was at the learnpython.org website, and I stumbled onto DataCamp.

I tried the free parts and resisted upgrading at first, but I finally gave in and bought a yearly subscription. I am thrilled I did! It is a great site, with hundreds of quality courses, and the format works for me.

There are four modules per course. Each module consists of short videos followed by a few exercises. Each course is around 4 hours long.

I enrolled in the Data Scientist With Python career track. It has 23 courses and six projects, an estimated 88 hours of instruction.

I am still not sure if I will eventually enroll in a Bootcamp or a master’s degree online, but this is a great way to keep learning and test my intuition about data science.

I also recently stumbled onto 3 Blue 1 Brown.

What a fantastic youtube channel! One has to be grateful there are people in this world like Grant Sanderson who are just so bright and so generous in teaching the rest of us about things like linear algebra and neural networks. The videos are amazing. He does a great job of making these concepts easy to understand.

Thank you, Mr. Sanderson!