My participation in the workforce management project has ended (I left after phase 1 of the project, as it was hard to do both this and DataCamp). The last week was complicated because I was on vacation in a different time zone, and it was challenging to keep up. I am proud of our progress in phase I, and the client seemed very happy with the results. I want to thank again Ray, Greg, and Robin for all their help and encouragement.

On the DataCamp side, I convinced a B2B client to lend us a real dataset for a competition. The data is anonymized and transformed, but the underlying relationships are real. Hopefully, the winning entries will help them find innovative solutions to their real-life issue; plus, it makes for a great competition. I’m thrilled about it.

I just signed up for a dbt with CoRise. I want to understand how it works. The best part of the course is that you get practical experience using dbt on a Snowflake instance. You run the models, they modify the database directly, create tables, and transform the data.

It is cool that they also use gitpod to organize the environments for students, which is impressive! I can remember how hard it was to set up on my own. I love how gitpod makes everything a lot easier.

Last month I found out my contract will be renewed for a year! This is amazing; my contract will now auto-renew (no more wondering what is next), and I am officially invited to the company’s offsite in Athens!! Woohoo!!

Thankful and excited for what is to come.